Trench breakers are used in pipelines to control erosion. Sandbags have traditionally been used to keep water from running down the trench. Trench breakers are usually put at a specified distance down hills, terraces, or anywhere else that is susceptible to water problems.
Using spray foam in place of sandbag trench breakers has many benefits.
Cory Boehs, President
580.264.2846 | cory@koolfoamllc.com
How to Request a Bid
If you are interested in a bid for your project, please contact Cory Boehs or fill out our contact submission form on our contact us page.
What happens without breakers?
Erosion Control-Pipe Bores
What happens without breakers?
Trench breakers have been used during pipeline installations for decades due to pipeline trenches washing out after backfilling. Some happen as a result of hydrated soil conditions where backfill dirt is unstable from the beginning. Many washouts occur in the mid-continent region due to high volumes of water accumulating during major rain events in very short periods of time.
In addition to the selling points already mentioned on the main trench breaker page, the cost of remediating washouts after project completion can be very high. Dirt contractors are called to clear out and key-in locations for breakers to be retrofitted. Engineers specify breaker locations and Kool Foam Pipeline Services follows those guidelines to ensure proper positioning. New fill dirt has to be hauled in to replace dirt lost during the washout. Pipe coatings may be compromised. We are happy to serve any oil and gas company or municipality dealing with this unfortunate situation by having several mobile units capable of answering call-ins immediately.
Erosion Control-Pipe Bores
The possibilities are limitless when it comes to the uses for spray polyurethane foam. Pictured here is an example of SPF being sprayed into the entry side of a pipe bore. This project involved a repair located on a golf course. The asset manager wanted to take every measure to ensure that no dirt movement could occur causing a sinkhole. Restoring any excavation work back to its natural state is important, but a golf course would be of utmost importance!
We were able to access this location and sprayed both sides of the bore to ensure no movement would take place since foam allows for zero sediment movement, unlike sandbags.
what people say about us
I just wanted to send a word of thanks to you and your crew for the great product and a great job. I am truly impressed with the structural sturdiness and sealing qualities of your closed cell foam, and I am sure that its insulating properties will match.
Jim S.
I especially wanted to thank Travis and Blake for their hard work and attention to detail. They answered all my questions, explained the process well, and were very attentive to my requests.
Steve N.
They did an excellent job of insulating, even though several areas of my building presented challenges. These guys are definitely an asset to your company. Thanks again
Rich P.
I know this is your business but you folks have brought the kind of joy to my heart that adults hope to remember around Christmas.
Daniel H.
Daring to stand in the gap between heat and cold.
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